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We recognize that we are not alone in fighting for social justice — many dedicated people, both locally and across the country, share our passion for defending human rights.


By working together to find areas of commonality, we can ALL benefit from supporting one another, regardless of our differences.


These are some of the organizations that Pro Choice South Bend is proud to work with. 





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The IRJC works to leverage the capacity of member organizations to champion gains in reproductive justice to Indiana. IRJC member organizations include: Indy FeministsIndiana National Organization of Women (NOW)Planned Parenthood Advocates of Indiana and KentuckyPro Choice South BendSpeak Your StoryAll-Options Pregnancy Resource CenterDon’t SleepPeriods for Politicians, and SheHive.

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The Michiana Social Justice Coalition is a partnership of organizations in northern Indiana and southwestern Michigan, centered on the city of South Bend, Indiana. We work cooperatively to move forward our socially minded missions for positive community change.


MSJC member organization include: Black Lives Matter - South Bend, Civil Rights Heritage Center, First Unitarian Church, Jewish Federation, La Casa de Amistad, Northern Indiana Community Coalition for Health Care,  Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky Community Action Partners (Northern IN), Social Action Project (SOCACT), and The LGBTQ Center.



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