Pro Choice South Bend is a volunteer organization that advocates for reproductive justice by placing people first and affirming their feelings, decisions, and experiences.
We believe abortion is an inherent right and a social good.
We envision communities in which all people are educated and empowered to access all reproductive choices.
We achieve our mission by mobilizing activism, building partnerships, and providing education.
Follow pcsb
Pro Choice South Bend is active on social media. Please follow our accounts for the latest news, information, and inspiration!
In 2021, we lost our Facebook account because anti-abortion groups made false reports that we had violated user terms. Facebook refused to investigate or appeal the decision to ban us.
what is reproductive justice?
Reproductive justice demands and requires full freedom to control our bodies, gender, sexuality, and reproduction. Abortion restrictions deny this necessary freedom.
The exclusion of women of color in reproductive health movements gave birth to the concept of reproductive justice.
Since its development, reproductive justice advocates have focused on advancing social change that addresses intersecting oppressions.
Learn more:
Reproductive Justice ~ the Sister Song website
Reproductive Justice Frameworks
In Our Own Voice: National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda